Saturday, February 22, 2020

Philosophy Functionalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Philosophy Functionalism - Essay Example Its core idea is that mental states can be accounted for without taking into consideration the underlying physical medium (the neurons), but instead attending to higher-level functions such as beliefs, desires, and emotions. For (an avowedly simplistic) example, a functionalist theory might characterize pain as a state that tends to be caused by bodily injury, to produce the belief that something is wrong with the body and the desire to be out of that state, to produce anxiety, and, in the absence of any stronger, conflicting desires, to cause wincing or moaning. According to this theory, all and only creatures with internal states that meet these conditions, or play these roles, are capable of being in pain. Suppose that, in humans, there is some distinctive kind of neural activity (C-fiber stimulation, for example) that meets these conditions. If so, then according to this functionalist theory, humans can be in pain simply by undergoing C-fiber stimulation. But the theory permits creatures with very different physical constitutions to have mental states as well: if there are silicon-based states of hypothetical Martians or inorganic states of hypothetical androids that also meet these conditions, then these creatures, too, can be in pain. ... satisfy the descriptions - then it's also logically possible for non-physical states to play the relevant roles, and thus realize mental states, in some systems as well. So functionalism is compatible with the sort of dualism that takes mental states to cause, and be caused by, physical states. Still, though functionalism is officially neutral between materialism and dualism, it has been particularly attractive to materialists, since many materialists believe (Lewis, 1966) that it is overwhelmingly likely that any states capable of playing the roles in question will be physical states. If so, then functionalism can stand as a materialistic alternative to the Psycho-Physical Identity Thesis, the thesis that each type of mental state is identical with a particular type of neural state. This thesis, once considered the dominant materialistic theory of the mind, entails that no creatures with brains unlike ours can share our sensations, beliefs, and desires, no matter how similar their behavior and internal organization may be to our own. This is a consequence that many regard as implausible. Thus functionalism, with its claim that mental states can be multiply realized, is widely regarded as providing a more inclusive, less "(species-) chauvinistic" (Block, 1980) - and thus mo re plausible - theory that is (at least arguably) compatible with materialism. Within this broad characterization of functionalism, however, a number of distinctions can be made. Functionalism has three distinct sources. First, Putnam and Fodor saw mental states in terms of an empirical computational theory of the mind. Second, Smart's "topic neutral" analyses led Armstrong and Lewis to a functionalist analysis of mental concepts. Third, Wittgenstein's idea of meaning as use led to a version of

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Easy Jet And The Recession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Easy Jet And The Recession - Essay Example Data which are scattered are not information until and unless the observers have the accurate knowledge of the theories that needs to explain the relationships. Therefore according to Homans (1958) theory can be defined as â€Å"in its lowest form a classification, a set of pigeon holes, a filing cabinet in which fact can accumulate. Nothing is more lost than a loose fact† (Homans 1958, p. 5). The principles of management are the fundamental truth which explains the relationships between the different set of variables which usually constitute of dependent variable and independent variable. Mangers often apply the theories with the practical life and help to solve problems in the future and present which might occur in the organisation. Thus it can be said that there are mainly three major reasons as to why managers needs to know about the management theories are firstly the theories provides focus for understanding the experiences and relevance. Secondly, with the help of theo ries mangers are able to communicate and has the capacity to move into a more complex relationships. Thirdly, with the help of theories mangers can learn about the ongoing into the world (Olum, 2004, p. 1-11). Management theories accounts for and helps to interpret the rapidly changing environment in the organisations. This paper aims to deals with different types of management theories such as scientific theory, behavioural school, management science, system approach, contingent approach, and dynamic engagement approach (Thenmozhi, n.d). Another important aspect in an organisation is the culture and this can be well explained with the help of competing value approach. According to Quinn and Rohrbaugh (1983) it is the most conceptual model of culture. This model of competing value approach can be one of the four types that has been categorised, which constitute of clan, market, hierarchy and adhocracy. The clan culture based on the framework emphasise goal, participation and shared values and also a sense of family. Market culture tends to emphasis environmental interaction, competition, as well as customer orientation. Adhocracy usually emphasis creativity, entrepreneurships and also adaptability and hierarchy constitute of rules and regulations, lines of concerned authority and efficiency (Smart, 2010, p.389). Figure 1: Competing Value Framework (Source: Rainey, 2009, p.164) The competing value framework tends to work closely with the management theories. Most of the organisation tends to apply all the factors included in the competing framework. The four factors are equally important for the effective working of the organisation. The model helps a manger to understand the working conditions of the environment and finally match the culture with respect to the operational climate. 2.0 The Organisation Easy jet is one of the successful low cost airlines in Europe, established in the year 1995. It is based in London Luton airport and operates domestic and inter national services to about 400 routes in Europe and carries about 40 million passengers in a year. The airline industry and the travel agencies are competing with each other in order to build up a strong online