Thursday, December 26, 2019

The British Army At The Age Of 17 Essay - 1559 Words

There was a young guy who joined the British Army at the age of 17 in order to do something with his life that he believed to be of significance. He wanted to serve Queen and country. He wanted to experience war. He wanted to fight. He wanted to win. He wanted to be validated as important and special by others. After 8 years of voluntary military service, he handed his notice and ended his contract for what he believed would be a normal life out side of the HM Forces. He wanted a normal life, he wanted some normal and consistent relationships, and he wanted a normal job and a girlfriend he could see whenever he wanted. He wanted to feel valued somewhere, and he wanted to feel important. He wanted to know that he d be missed somewhere when he wasn t around. He wanted to be his own person and free from small-minded military regimentals, free from the restrictions of rules and conformity to legalism, he wanted out, he wanted freedom. He wanted to make progress in life. He wanted to connect with new people and develop new relationships. He wanted to know love and he wanted to know freedom. He wanted some certainty and needed to become both confident and secure in who he was. He needed to pay the bills, he needed some direction and purpose, he needed to make sense of his life, he needed peace from his demons and the memories of his past. He needed change, he needed to take risks and step out in faith that even in the midst of uncertainty, he d be able to develop who heShow MoreRelatedBenjamin Martin, A French And Indian War921 Words   |  4 PagesCongress in Charleston where he refuses to cast a vote in favor of South Carolina joining the war. The Congress however votes to join the war against the British and his oldest son, Gabriel enlists in the Continental Army. Two years into the war, the farm s fields become a battlefield and Benjamin decides to treat the wounded, British and Continental Army soldiers, including his son Gabriel. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay on Drug Abuse In the Nursing Profession - 2211 Words

This is a disease that tells you that you don’t have it. It’s the only disease I know that argues with you and says, ‘Look, despite all the evidence, you don’t have a problem’ (Kunyk and Austin, 2005, p. 385). All over the world, people suffer from the addictive properties of the many varieties drugs. In the recent decade, increasing amounts of nurses have begun to see the effects of substance usage while on the job. This unpublicized problem that is sweeping nurses in America is a problem that should not be ignored as they are the frontline of healthcare. Issue At Hand The many responsibilities burdened on nurses have a detrimental effect on them as it leads to long, tiresome shifts. The physical and emotional exhaustion that the†¦show more content†¦The interaction between the nurses, coupled with long days in the hospital, leads to tight-knit bonds because of how much time they spend together. This bond, while healthy in some aspects, can actually be detrimental to the nurses and other hospital staff. It allows some nurses to get away with actions that would otherwise be reported to a higher authority. Nurses working under the influence will have a bit of leeway from other colleagues because of the friendships built. Even though nurses and other hospital staff members are responsible for reporting any evidence of irregular behavior or wrong doings, they fear getting bullied or other repercussions from whistle-blowing on their fellow colleagues. Studies have shown that the odds of a nurse not reporting a coworker for suspect ed substance abuse while at work were 5 to 1 (Monroe et al., 2011, p. 2). This is disgraceful as nurses have the obligation of protecting their patients and colleagues. Considering that nurses build family like relationships, they expect each other to support one another and not report any wrong doings to police or administrators. When nurses are caught using drugs, it has been said that the nursing organization is an army that shoots its wounded, which is an unacceptable method of treating their own (Kunyk Austin, 2012, p. 381). Those that are punished are left with no job options, leading them to fall further into the endless holeShow MoreRelatedSubstance Abuse During The Medical Profession1401 Words   |  6 PagesIn many places around the world substance abuse has become a frequent issue. Many people may not be aware of substance abuse in nurses, from prescription drugs to alcohol and even cigarettes. Abuse from nurses poses a new challenge to the profession due to their jobs as caretakers and their access to controlled substances. It is a perplexing thought that people whose profession is to care for other don’t do the same for themselves. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Literature Reviews On Intuit QuickBooks- Free Sample

Question: Discuss about theLiterature Reviews on Intuit QuickBooks. Answer: Introduction The Australian accounting software market which used to be dominated by two major players has exploded into the fiercest battleground between several players (Goss 2015). In this paper literature review has been done on the online accounting software Intuit QuickBooks. The review has been segmented into six segments; that discusses the various aspects of the software, and finally, the recommendations for improvements have been presented. History of Intuit QuickBooks Intuit Inc. is an American giant founded in late 1980s by its two shareholders Scott Cook and Tom Proulx. Scott Cook who was an employee of Proctor Gamble realized early in his career that the paper-pencil based accounting will soon be obsolete and will be replaced by computers. In his quest to find a programmer, the conceiver ran into the second founder member, Tom Proulx. The company started its journey in Palo Alto with a BASIC program and never looked back again. The first program was made for running in IBM computers and the subsequent days another program was designed in UCSD Pascal for running in Apple computers (, 2016). The company acquired the tax preparation software firm Chipsoft in 1993 which was a key decision for the company and in the same year went public in American stock exchange. After the company had gone public, the market capitalization of the company reached 2 Billion USD. The growth was driven by the buyout offer that was made by Microsoft which failed due to disapproval of US Department of Justice. Following the breakup the company faced immense pressure in the late 90s. The company then shifted its attention solely on its QuickBook and TurboTax. The company in the subsequent time bought large stakes of Excite and acquired the Dallas-based tax-preparation software developer Lacerte and also invested in CheckFree for strengthening the partnership. The present valuation of the company is more than 20 Billion USD and has ranked in Fortunes Top 100 Company to work for. It has also ranked in Fortunes Americas most admired software companies (Fortune, 2016). In 2013 sold its financial services to Thoma Bravo' and in 2015 laid off around 5% of its workforce for reorganization. Development and Adoption of Intuit QuickBooks Intuit Inc. prepares accounting software that deals with the tax preparation and the finances. The company has products like Quicken and TurboTax under an umbrella which are meant for serving the larger businesses and the QuickBooks for serving the independent bookkeepers and the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The company also has QuickBooks Online (QBO) that is cloud based SaaS type software which provided a cheap cloud platform to many small businesses. The three modules TurboTax', QuickBooks,' Quicken' were improved with the time and in 2008 various modules to lure the independent accountants and the bookkeepers were presented. Special modules like Intuit Small Business were launched that could help in payments on the go with online software integration. The associated services like getting a website and On the Go helped to win a plethora of customers and accountants. The Mint services were finally launched in 2015 and are improved with time ( 2016). Figure 1: The product timeline of Intuit (Image Source:, 2016) The services offered by the company after reaching maturity were ExpensAble,' Investor Insight,' Networth' and several other Quicken services. In the subsequent year, 1998 services like BankNOW and MacInTax were incorporated. In the next few years Intuit International and Internet account Administration were incorporated and improved. In 2000 the QuickBooks online edition was implemented, and the services were all summed up under broad categories and improved. In the same year, the Complete Payroll' was incorporated ( 2016). The Current Market Size of Intuit QuickBooks The company faces intense competition from its competitors both in domestic and the international market. In its domestic market, the company has around 80% shares in the market. The companys QuickBooks targets the small enterprises and has around 29 million customers in the USA. The goal of the company is to serve SMEs, and the products are highly customized to serve their needs. The company has identified 400,000 accountants who serve the SMEs and hence provide a huge influence in its adoption and has more than 5 Million SMEs. Figure 2: The quarterly performance of Intuit (Image Source: Intuit Inc. - Financial Info - SEC Filings 2016) The above figure shows the performance of the company in five quarters the customer counts is presented in the Y-axis and the quarters are presented in the X-axis. The company was introduced in Australia in the year of 2013. Initially, the company operated from Malaysia but with the increasing customer counts; the company finally decided to place a local base in Australia and is promising to hire more employees. The number of customers in its first year was around seven thousand but in the subsequent year, the company managed to grab around 30,000 customers ( 2016). With its services and competitive pricing, the company aims to create a huge dent in the market share of the other companies and also create new opportunities. The Market Leaders in Australian Market The accounting service provider MYOB is the leader of the Australian accounting software. The three companies MYOB, Xero, and Intuit, rule the market in Australia, and the other service providers have failed to create any impact in the market. The self-evaluation of MYOB indicates that the company is worth 2.5 Billion Australian Dollar. In the domain of the cloud computing, Xero has more customer share compared to any other accounting software in Australia. Xero has around 320,000 users compared to 116,000 users of MYOB which is the nearest competitor in the domain of cloud computing (Financial Review, 2014). To counteract the cloud dominance of Xero both MYOB and Intuit are investing heavily in building the cloud services. The Competitive Advantages of Intuit QuickBooks The services like Handsfree Entry,' Mobile Apps', and Connectivity makes the services of the company intuitive and better compared to its peers (, 2016). Apart from the dedicated services stated above, the ease of money management, Expense billing, reporting, sales invoicing and the user-friendly interface makes Intuit stand out of the crowd. The competitive pricing that is being offered by the company is best in class and acts as the icing on the cake. The services of Intuit are majorly cloud based, and the several advantages of mobile computing are also under its umbrella. The Current Gaps and Challenges in Intuit QuickBooks The software of Intuit faces several glitches in its software. Michael Hiltzik (2016) in his article discusses a similar issue that has resulted in a bad name for the company. Feedbacks from its user show that many accountants have lost loyal consumers due to the glitches that the system faces. The feature TurboTax gives the user the ability to prepare tax returns on their own. Due to the glitch, the company lost 7.25% in 2015. The users around the world have also complained about the various technological complications which have led to confusion among users. The company also gets complaints regarding the cloud services and the speed of the services. Recommendations There are many scopes of improvement in services of the company. The recommendations are: More investment in RD: The Company should invest more for improvement of the services so that the software doesnt have any glitches that reduce the consumer satisfaction. The services should be made simpler, and the new services that are incorporated should find different sections to reduce confusion. The services should be made faster so that user enjoys a better interaction between the server and computer. Conclusion This report has discussed the various aspect of Intuit in the various segments, in the first segment the history has been discussed in the second segment the evolution of the software has been presented, in the subsequent section the present market size has been presented, then the market leaders in the Australian market have been discussed, the competitive advantages and the challenges were given and finally the recommendations were presented so that the services of the company can be improved. References Goss, D. (2015).Small Business and Society (Routledge Revivals). Routledge. (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016]. (2016). Intuit Inc. - Financial Info - SEC Filings. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016]. (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016]. Times, L. (2016). Intuit changed TurboTax this year, triggering an enormous customer uproar. Retrieved 13 September 2016, from (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016]. (2016). Intuit Inc. - Financial Info - SEC Filings. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016]. Fortune. (2016). Intuit. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016]. (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016]. Financial Review. (2014). The price hike for Intuit's QuickBooks. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016].

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Laizzez faire free essay sample

Corporations are creatures of the State and therefore must be watched closely by the citizenry to their propensity to disrupt the Smithsonian spontaneous order. These axioms constitute the basic elements of laissez-fairer thought, although another basic annotate-disregarded element is that markets should be competitive, a rule that the early advocates polonaise- fairer have always emphasized Liberal Government introduce social welfare reforms in the early twentieth century In the late 1 9th century the British government practiced the principle of laissez-fairer.Laissez fairer means the business market are free from tariffs, government subsidies and enforced monopolies [2]. Under the principle of Laissez fairer, government only provides simple maintenance of law and order, protect property rights against theft and aggression with regulations [3]. Individuals were responsible for their own decisions, to protect and improve their own lives and welfare. [l] After the general election in 1906, the Liberal welfare reform was introduced between 1906 to 1914, changing the attitude and policies towards the poverty. We will write a custom essay sample on Laizzez faire or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The liberal reforms for children are, free school meals, school medical inspections, Children s charter act and school clinic. The old age pensions act, labor exchange for the unemployed ND national insurance for workers were also carried out eventually within this period of time. [l] The attitude towards the working class shifted from individuality to a more aggregate way . The Liberal reforms changed the economy, politic and social circumstances[l] ,and lead Britain to a more well structuralizes and strong country. The reasons of the reforms were, changes in attitude, the Boer War, social reform, political changes and the fear of being overtaken. [41 The ideology of Laissez fairer had assumed how a society should work , free trade, freedom of making a decision in the late 19th century before the liberal social reforms being introduce. The role of government was to make sure and guarantee the freedom of the citizens and market. They provided military forces to regulate the property rights and exchange between parties. 4] The principle idea is to allow citizens from greatest possible freedom. The central idea fifths ideology was based on self-help, government was not responsible for the poverty and hardship for their citizens[l] Instead the citizens.. . How does Social Darwinism reinforce Laissez-fairer? Social Darwinism reinforces Laissez-fairer because because it says that if you re not of good breeding you will not succeed, if you are, you will. Well, much like pre-destination, if you already know what is going to happen, whats the point of being good, improving yourself, etc.In that case, let the good times roll! Answer Usually the point is put differently. Social Darwinist oppose welfare (and if really extreme, even charity) on the grounds that it allegedly interferes with the functioning of the laws of natural selection and the survival of the fittest; they argue that any system other than laissez fairer will result in the unfit (who, they say, should simply perish) breeding like rabbits ND so forth. In other words, they fall back on laissez fairer as a system that they are willing to accept.Some very extreme Social Darwinist would prefer to accelerate natural selection by artificial means as happened under the Nazis. Jounce Answer to break this down, the strongest will survive in free trade (this is the easy way to say it). If you have an unstable economy and no central gobo. You will fail and will not be able to participate in free-trade (Laissez-fair) Characteristics of Laissez-Fairer related to social welfare 1 Leadership Style Characteristics Emphasis on Performance Low emphasis on performance. Emphasis on People Low emphasis on people.DEAD RESHIP STYLE 2. Leadership Philosophy Assumptions about people people are unpredictable and trying to understand them is a waste of time. Assumptions about the role of a leader Keep a low profile, be obedient, and dont make waves. 3. Management Skills Planning and Setting Objectives Plans and establishes objectives only if required to do so. Organizing Lives with whatever structure he is given. Controlling Abdicates controlling to employees. Decision Making Avoids making decisions as much as possible. Motivating Leaves people alone. Nothing seems to work anyway. Communicating Communication is non-committal, superficial, and avoided. Developing Leaves development up to employees. If people want to develop themselves, that is their business. Use of Reward and Punishment Avoids rewarding or punishing people. Approach to Handling Conflicts Ignores conflicts and hopes they will disappear. Approach to Handling Problems and Mistakes Ignores problems and mistakes unless forced to deal with them. Interpersonal Relationships with Employees Avoids close relationships and lets employees do pretty much as they please. Use of Power and Authority Power and authority are abdicated to whomever wants to assume them. Delegation Practices Responsibilities are assumed by default rather than through delegation. Benefits of Laissez-fairer Leadership Laissez-fairer leaders allow followers to have complete freedom to make discountenancing the completion of their work. The laissez-fairer leader using guided freedom provides the followers with all indiscriminateness to accomplish their goals, but does not directly participate in decision meaningfulness the followers request their assistance.Laissez-fairer leadership instills a higher sense of responsibility among team embers. This form of leadership exposes team members to tough business situations, helping them gain more experience and grow faster. Laissez-fairer leadership keeps team members aware of and continuously working towards larger picture. This form of leadership can boost the commitment of team members to achieve the desirables. Drawbacks of Laissez-Fairer Leadership Laissez-fairer leadership may be the best or the worst of leadership styles.If the leader follows temporally understood definition and standard practice of noninterference and hands-off wonderfully leading his or her lowers, the worst form of leadership is manifested. However,when the twenty-first century properly prepares his or her followers, laissez-fairer lithographers as the ultimate form of leading. If team members do not have adequate experience or the required skills, the achievement targets may be at great risk. Important decisions that need to be taken at short notice can go horribly wrong.If people are not self-driven and disciplined, laissez-fairer leadership can lead to a great deal inefficiency. The team may become prone to repeating mistakes and may fail to get out of robbers eyeteeth encounter during a project. Team members may get off track and may not prioritize correctly. Scenarios Where Laissez-Fairer Leadership can Work This is an effective style to use when: The prerequisite for laissez-fairer leadership is having a strong leader, with a proven trajectory of success.O Followers are highly skilled, experienced, and educated. Followers are able to analyze the situation. Followers have pride in their work and the drive to do it successfully on their own. D Outside experts, such as staff specialists or consultants are being used. N Followers are trustworthy and experienced. When close monitoring of a decision is not needed. SEE-FAIRER LEADERSHIP STYLE Conclusions In this project we studied about laissez-fairer leadership in detail. Almost all the components polonaise-fairer leaderships has been discussed briefly.We can conclude from this study that Tallahassee-fairer leadership can be productive as well as destructive because everything depends opponent situation of the crisis or condition. In those cases where subordinates are sophisticated, skillful experienced this style emerges with great innovative future perspective. Whereas in commences where subordinates are novice, motivated and with poor morale this style causes greatcoats destroying the whole organization and leadership.